Incorporating Authentic Intellectual Work Within Schools

In Support of Both AIW and the 3 E's

Researchers have determined that students who experience higher levels of authentic instruction and assessment have higher achievement scores (Gaer & Reyes 2022). This is important for educators to keep in mind when planning educational goals. The authentic intellectual work (AIW) was born with this in mind. The idea of AIW hinges on 4 ideas: construction of knowledge, disciplined inquiry, value beyond school, and student-centered. Construction of knowledge includes the idea that knowledge is constructive and must be integrated from experiences, etc. This relies heavily on critical thinking skills. Disciplined inquiry is the ability to relate those experiences to one another. It involves a prior knowledge base, in-depth understanding, and elaborated communication. The third part of AIW is value beyond school or relevance. Schools are increasingly tasked with more responsibilities. Ensuring that students’ learning has relevance beyond the school walls allows for the best use of time and the best chance for students to be successful as adults. The final part of AIW makes sure that the work is student-centered. These ideas may differ from traditional theories that revolve around specific content standards that may not carry over to other skills or areas and by being student-centered. A specific example might be a traditional science fair project, where a student is encouraged to think about what they know, what they want to know, and choosing a relevant topic and research method. Many gifted programs in school are often set up to encourage enrichment, which involves a similar process. By following these ideas, schools can know they are providing evidence-based practices that result in the best chance for student achievement.

There are significant advantages for those schools who use AIW. These include students who are better prepared for the workplace, etc., increase opportunities for student engagement in learning, and a strengthened professional community of learning. However, there is a digital inequity of which educators must be aware. Included in this is the idea that digital proficiency is reliant on the teacher’s proficiency with technology. However, by allowing student-centered and disciplined inquiry, teachers may allow students to share their knowledge and learn alongside their students. For example, students may collaborate on various ways to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic, such as a rap or musical piece written and performed about the topic.

Kolb’s Triple E framework focuses on what students do with technology and includes engagement, enhancement, and extension. It pairs nicely with the idea of AIW, which also requires a certain level of engagement. Kolb has also described a layering system that describes the extent of technological integration. Level A involves technology but no integration. Levels B, C, and D represent the integration of the 3E’s. When all 3 are engaged (which can be evaluated with a rubric), a “green light” is said to occur, which helps students connect to the world outside the classroom, be engaged, and be focused on their learning goals. Depending on the level of technology used by the students (which should be guided by the assignment/teacher), the above example would hit the established “sweet spot.”


Gaer, S. & Reyes, K. ( 2022). Finally, Some Guidance! Using the Triple E Framework to Shape Technology Integration, Adult Literacy Education, 4 (3-34).

Guest.(2019, November 4). The Triple E Framework for More EffectiveTechnology Integration in Adult Education. EdTech Center @ World Education.

Newmann, F. M., King, M. B., & Carmichael, D. L. (2007). Authentic instruction and assessment: Common standards for rigor and relevance in teaching academic subjects. State of Iowa Department of Education.